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Upcoming events

    • 12/31/2025
    • On Demand
    Dermatology is a field of study that is more than just skin infections or rashes. Did you know that according to MDedge Dermatology, one out of 172 Hispanics are at a lifetime risk of developing melanoma versus one out of 38 non-Hispanics? Moreover, the overall median age of melanoma diagnosis for male Hispanics is 61 years of age in contrast to female Hispanics at the median age of 52.
                   This webinar is intended to teach Spanish-English interpreters about the procedures, terms and definitions important to dermatology to aid them in interpreting encounters related to the skin. In this session, participants will first learn important information about the most common skin ailments that one may encounter during a dermatology session. To get a closer look at common skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis and different types of skin cancers we will first examine pictures that may require dermatological consultation, trying to guess at what ailment or disease we are observing. Once identified, we will further discuss the causes, potential treatments and common questions that come up in regular dermatology appointments.
                   Pamphlets will be provided to attendees in advance and will be referenced throughout the session with the objective of building vocabulary. In addition, we will look at a basic glossary of common dermatology terms and talk about ways to expand upon that resource. The overall objective of this informative and interactive webinar is to help interpreters become more familiar with the fascinating and intricate world of dermatology.

      Presented by: Maria Barajas

      Maria Barajas earned an Associates of Science in the Medical Assistant Program at Broadview University in 2017. She currently works as a Certified Medical Assistant in the Dermatology Department at Gundersen Health System, since May, 2019, with two years of previous experience in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. Maria is currently a student of the Community Interpreting Certificate at Viterbo University, with an expected graduation date of May, 2020. In her free time, she enjoys collecting notebooks, cookbooks, calendars and enjoys being able to communicate in both English and Spanish.

      • 12/31/2025
      • On Demand

      MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Los Marielitos: Interpreting the Voices of Cuban Refugees | recorded Thursday, August 20 | 7:30pm CT - 8:30pm CT

      In 1980, approximately 125,000 refugees fled Fidel Castro’s oppressive regime in Cuba from the Port of Mariel to seek political asylum in the United States. Fleeing from extreme economic strife as well as political and social unrest, this wave of Cuban immigrants would later become known as ‘los Marielitos’. Of the four military bases where these men, women, and children were placed until they were sponsored by local community members, over 14,000 were placed at Fort McCoy, near Sparta, Wisconsin.

      Forty years later, in October 2019, a joint initiative between the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and the La Crosse Public Library provided these former refugees with a platform to tell their stories as part of a traveling photo exhibit. In the effort to make the exhibit more accessible to Spanish speakers who are Limited English Proficient, this project incorporates oral histories which required transcription, translation, and several aspects of interpreting. The first objective of this webinar is to explore where the line between translation and interpreting blurs.

      Secondly, this presentation will examine the pros and cons of collaborating both as partners and within a larger web of project contributors. Furthermore, we will articulate the difficulties encountered in determining how to translate, while maintaining the linguistic style of several Mariel refugees' voices. Finally, this webinar will tackle the challenges of deciphering code-switching by examining real examples from the source material, and explore producing target materials in a specific dialect (in this case, Cuban Spanish).

      Presented by: Ashley Rowin and Jade Baumgartner

      Ashley Rowin is currently a Medical Interpreter at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI. She earned her B.A. in Spanish and German Studies, with a certificate in Russian Studies from the UW – La Crosse in 2017. In earning a Certificate in Community Interpreting from Viterbo University, Ashley has presented research   on language access services in local dental clinics at the Ramp Up the Conversation Interpreter and ISP Conference in April 2019. Most recently, she has enrolled in a Masters in Translation through Kent State University with an expected graduation date of May 2021. Ashley has spent time abroad in Mexico, Germany and most recently the Dominican Republic, where she volunteered as a medical interpreter in a project dedicated to increasing locals’ accessibility to ongoing health care.

      Jade Baumgartner is currently a Bilingual Patient Advocate at MedData based out of Mayo Clinic in La Crosse, Wisconsin and has recently earned a Certificate in Community Interpreting from Viterbo University. As a researcher, Jade has presented on language access in public libraries in Wisconsin at the Ramp Up the Conversation Interpreter and ISP Conference in April 2019. With an expected graduation date of December 2020, Jade is also earning her B.A. in Spanish at the UW – La Crosse, with a minor in Chinese Studies. Apart from her work and studies in language, she has worked and studied abroad in countries including Spain, Chile and China.

      • 12/31/2025
      • On Demand
      Lead exposure remains a large public health issue despite policies and protocols to reduce this environmental contaminant. Children and families affected by lead exposure are more likely to be from low-income families and from racial, ethnic, and linguistic minority groups. However, no group is free from the risk of lead exposure. To better serve clients in community, medical, and legal environments, an introduction to lead exposure terminology and history will help interpreters provide superior services. In this webinar, we will decode lead language found in medical and legal interpreting, while also looking at terminology that appears in housing applications as it pertains to this environmental exposure. First, participants will develop a foundational glossary for interpreters of all language pairs based on mind mapping methodology. Terminology will be pulled from working documents such as housing applications, medical education handouts, and court records, which will be provided before the webinar. Participants will have the opportunity to contribute to this glossary as we examine the documents. Additionally, we will discuss lead exposure resources and effective ways to advocate for Limited English Proficient clients residing in housing with the potential for lead exposure.

      Presented by: Bryce Dorff

      Bryce Dorff earned a B.A. in Environmental Science and a Certificate of Spanish Language and Culture from Drake University in 2017. Focusing on the social determinants of health in racially and ethnically diverse populations, he returned to higher education to earn a Community Interpreting Certificate at Viterbo University in December 2019. Bryce currently works as the Clinic Manager of St. Clare Health Mission, a free health clinic in Southwestern Wisconsin, advocating for the underserved and interpreting for LEP clients.

      • 12/31/2025
      • On Demand
      Interpreters receive training on skills and ethics, but can be left bewildered as they navigate the market as subcontracted interpreters. Some simple tips from a voice of experience can go a long way in creating a more comfortable, confident work life for subcontracted interpreters. In this webinar, the presenter will guide participants in: identifying questions to ask before accepting an assignment, understanding how to prepare for an assignment when there's no information, identifying possible surprises and how to prepare for them, and recognize the importance of creating a community of self-care among colleagues. This webinar is appropriate for interpreters of any level of experience working in any setting. Interpreters who are new to working with agencies, or who struggle to navigate difficult situations will especially benefit from the content.

      Presented by: Liz Essary, MCI, CHI™

      Liz Essary began working as a subcontracted Spanish interpreter in hospitals in 2002. In 2015, after over a decade of staff positions in language services in healthcare, she left the comfort of her stable job to finish graduate work in conference interpreting before jumping with both feet into the

      freelance market. Liz is certified by the Indiana State Supreme Court, the Certification Commission

      for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI), and holds a Master’s in Conference Interpreting (MCI) from

      Glendon College in Toronto. She is a founder and partner of Seven Sisters Interpreter Training &

      Consulting, an interpreter training project that focuses on interpreting practice intensives and

      supporting interpreters who take it personally. She is an interpreter and interpreter trainer based in

      Indianapolis, where she gets by with the help of her colleagues.

      • 12/31/2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • On Demand

      Understanding cultural context is an essential part of an interpreter’s job. Indeed, the backdrop of a person's experience will affect his/her behavior, syntax choices and expectations in a communicative encounter. How, then, might interpreters deal with situations wherein they are not entirely familiar with the cultural background of all parties involved?

      One way may be by comparing the cultural dimensions of cultures by using Dr. Geert Hofstede’s 6D framework. While Hofstede's extensive study focuses on finding connections between cultural values and their effects on behaviors and beliefs in the workplace, these values can also be used to uncover the basis for behaviors, reactions, and speech patterns in countless situations. The six dimensions of this model include: power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, and indulgence. Since cultural context plays into nearly every interpretation scenario, this framework can be a starting point from which an interpreter can begin to understand the nuances of different cultures and how large underlying cultural themes can play into everyday life. 

      This webinar will touch on each of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and introduce Hofstede Insights website. Participants will engage in interpreting scenario case-studies through the 6D framework, to see how communication by be linked to an individual’s cultural background. In essence, this webinar aims to mitigate some of the context issues that arise for interpreters as they navigate not only the cultural underpinnings of those they work for, but also the cultural communicative behaviors of interpreters themselves. The overall objective is that interpreters gain better skills for facilitating conversation in their daily work.

      Presenters:  Lexi Budden and Michelle Pinzl

      Lexi Budden is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse expecting to graduate with a BA in French with a business concentration and a minor international business by May 2020. In addition, she is currently working to earn a certificate in Community Interpreting from Viterbo University. Due to her vested interest in language learning, she volunteers regularly at the Language Resource Center at UW-La Crosse and interns at Onalaska High School, where she facilitates conversations with beginner-level French students to aid them in their grammar, vocabulary, conversational skills and abilities. She spent a semester abroad in Montpellier, France, where she studied French at the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3. Lexi looks forward to working toward better language access within business contexts in the Midwest.

      Michelle Pinzl is the Coordinator of the Community Interpreting Certificate and Assistant Professor at Viterbo University where she teaches Spanish, French and Interpreting Studies. She earned her Master’s degree in Foreign Languages and Intercultural Management from the Université de Limoges in France and is currently a PhD candidate at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, in Spain. She is a certified Spanish<>English Court Interpreter for the State of Wisconsin and a certified Medical Interpreter through the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI). Michelle also interprets for social service agencies, schools, businesses, as well as various sectors of the farming industry in Wisconsin since 2006.
      • 12/31/2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • On Demand

      According to The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), during an evaluation to determine whether a student has a disability, the school must use procedures that “are provided and administered in the child’s native language or other mode of communication and in the form most likely to yield accurate information on what the child knows and can do academically, developmentally, and functionally…” [CFR 300.304 (c) (ii)] It is imperative and ethical that interpreters working in the educational setting and collaborating with special education eligibility teams, take the steps necessary to prepare and understand the assessment process since interpretation and cultural factors may influence or possibly invalidate standard scores. This presentation will provide interpreters with an overview of common psychoeducational and speech pathology assessments used in the educational setting, the implications of working with an untrained interpreter, and questions that the interpreter must ask during a pre-consultation meeting. We will conclude our presentation with resources to prepare for this type of interpretation
      assignment and a glossary of terms commonly used in the special education evaluation process.

      Presenter: Ana Soler

      Ana Soler is the Founder & CEO of SeSo, Inc., a source of professional development opportunities for interpreters, and for organizations seeking customized cultural humility trainings to strengthen cultural bridges with English Learner families. Ana has authored interpreter training and train-the-trainer curricula nationally including the Intercultural Parent and Youth Leadership Program, the Interpretation Academy for Bilingual High School Students, the Arkansas Interpreter in Education Credential Training, and a 40-hour course to prepare medical interpreters for the national certification exam. Ana is also a professor at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education where she teaches two online courses that she authored: The Professional Interpreter in Education Certificate course and the Professional Interpreter in Special Education

      Certificate course. She remains an active medical and educational interpreter and translator.

      • 12/31/2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • On Demand

      Once the translation is finished, there is another important step: the proofreading. This step is unavoidable, whether it is our own translation or that of a colleague. Proofreading is an art, and it has to be practiced.

      There are different levels in the proofreading of a text. Grammar is to be considered at a first level. The consecutio temporum, the use of gerund, concordance, prepositions, the sentence structure, all these aspects have to be revised after the translation. The second level refers to Orthotypography, the visual aspect of the text. Punctuation marks, the use of capital letters, acronyms, the paragraph structure, and other features will be taken into account in this level. A third revision will lead us to check Coherence and Cohesion to sound natural and fluid. The use of pronouns, deictic elements, repetitions, conjunctions, are necessary to contribute to the coherence of a text. Fourth level deals with the use of proper words: sociolinguistics is a discipline that translators sometimes do not take into account; and how important it is to adequate our words to the specific situation!

      Translators need to rethink the final work after translating. This webinar will illustrate with different real examples and theory will appear with the practice applying the academic rules governing the orthographic, morpho-syntactic and lexico-semantic conventions.

      *This webinar will be lectured in Spanish with some references to English.*

      Presenter: María Ester Capurro

      María Ester Capurro is a Sworn English-Spanish Translator by the Argentine Catholic University, and International Spanish Proofreader by Fundación Litterae. She has over three decades of experience translating for many domestic and international companies and government institutions. She trains professionals on proofreading translations into Spanish at the Association of Sworn Translators of the City of Buenos Aires and is professor of Spanish Language at the University. She is a frequent speaker in domestic and international conferences. Apart from her work as translator, she works as editor and proofreader for many publishing houses and collaborates in some language researches.

      • 12/31/2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • On Demand

      Expand your knowledge of interpreting equipment through this overview of essential gear including tools for paperless note-taking, unobtrusive simultaneous interpretation, transcription/translation and basic remote interpreting. We will also discuss relative advantages and disadvantages of different equipment based on criteria such as ease of use, budget and return on investment.

      Presented by: Ernest Niño-Murcia

      Ernest Niño-Murcia is a freelance legal interpreter and translator based in Des Moines, Iowa. He received a B.A. in Anthro-Linguistics from Brown University. As a state and federally certified court interpreter, he has interpreted legal proceedings and prepared translations, transcriptions and expert witness reports/testimony for clients in the private and public sectors.

      Outside of court, he has interpreted for public figures such as House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. He is currently working with Iowa PBS providing live interpretation for broadcasts of Governor Kim Reynolds’ daily press briefings on the COVID-19 crisis.

      Additionally, Ernest is a Jeopardy! Champion (2012), whose greatest achievement on the show was beating an attorney to the buzzer to answer "co-defendant" in the "11 letter words" category.

      • 12/31/2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • On Demand
      Imagine interpreting for parent-teacher conferences at a local elementary school, having prepared what you thought to be helpful vocabulary, only to be bombarded with terms like “chill chair”, “chatterbox”, “benchmark”, and “word walls”. As a trained interpreter, using circumlocution, or a roundabout way to describe a concept, is a great tool for words as these.  However, is it possible to maintain the original register in addition to transmitting the intended message? The use of alliteration, assonance, consonance, repetition and rhymes is a common grammatical tool used in the English language when working with children. Not only does it make the subject matter more appealing, but the use of these ‘speech sounds’ is important to the learning process.  However, these educational tools are often lost in interpretation, allowing only part of the intended message to be delivered. Equally as important, the vocabulary encountered in paperwork and conferences involving Individualized Education Plans (IEP) or Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP) can throw even a seasoned interpreter off-course. To continue lexicon-building and improve the skill set of sight translation, participants will work with quasi-legal terminology encountered in documents from school districts in Wisconsin. This webinar aims to explore the use of circumlocution in educational contexts, and provide participants with opportunities to expand both vocabulary and circumlocution skills. Finally, participants will attempt to create phrases in the target language that maintain the use of speech sounds.

      Presented by: Faustina Zertler and Lisa Anderson

      Faustina Zertler graduated from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse with a B.A. in Spanish in 2019. In December of 2019, she earned a 13-credit Community Interpreting Certificate from Viterbo University. As a researcher, Faustina has presented research in both language access within the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and patient compliance to breast cancer follow-up. Faustina now works as a Clinical Research Coordinator at Gundersen Health System and a Spanish-English Community Interpreter for school districts in Southwest Wisconsin.


      Lisa Anderson earned a Master’s degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Curriculum & Instruction/German & English as a Second Language (ESL) in 2004. She has been an educator in ESL, German, and College Success courses for 15 years in higher education. Prior to her Master’s, she completed a BA in German Education from Concordia University in Moorhead, MN and taught at the International School of Düsseldorf in Germany. In addition, she taught in Micronesia as an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher in the Peace Corps. From 2016 to 2018 Lisa lived in Central America and educated elementary and middle school students in ESL. Most recently, Lisa completed a 13-credit Community Interpreting Certificate program at Viterbo University where she has had the opportunity to work on Spanish-English language access in agriculture, rural heath and K-12 education. 

      • 12/31/2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • On Demand
      In this workshop, you'll be challenged to complete phrases and idioms familiar to any native English speaker, such as catch _____ winks;  caught _____-handed;  you snooze, you _____;  every Tom, Dick, and _____;  mum's the _____.  Can you interpret/translate sample sentences into your working languages?  If English is your second language, can you incorporate these idioms into your work?  Join us for a fun hour of idiomatic vocabulary-building.

      Presented by: Colleen Keating

      Colleen Keating is a freelance American Sign Language-English interpreter. She was previously a Staff Interpreter at the Wisconsin School for the Deaf and a Sorenson Communications Video Relay Interpreter. She has supervised and mentored many student-interpreter interns and early-career professionals, rated tests for the state of Wisconsin, consulted with interpreting agencies, served on multiple committees for the Wisconsin Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, and  developed her own interpreter-training workshops.

      Prior to interpreting, Colleen taught English as a Second Language at the Wisconsin English Second Language Institute in Madison to young adults from all over the world.  She also taught in Germany. She holds degrees from UW-Madison and UW-Milwaukee.

      At home in Sharon, Wisconsin, Colleen is mom to third-grader Declan and wife to Bobby Beyer, proud 1983 graduate of The Wisconsin School for the Deaf.

      • 12/31/2025
      • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
      • On Demand
      Spanish financial and legal documents can be terminology minefields, rife with traps like "otorgar" and "gestión": words that every translator understands, provided no one is asking. Some have no direct English equivalents, while others have many. Some have different meanings depending on the country of origin. Some, like "participación," have cognates that may be appropriate in general usage, but not for these verticals. In this webinar, I will provide examples across a variety of texts to help attendees think contextually when navigating these tricky words and phrases.

      Presented by: Abigail Wright

      Abigail Wright is Spanish to English financial and legal translator for Iverson Language Associates. She holds an MA in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and has been ATA-certified since 2016. Before joining the Iverson Spanish team, she worked freelance as Wright Translations, LLC. In addition to translation, her professional experience includes proofreading, quality review, and terminology research. She lives in Milwaukee with her orange tabby CAT tool.

    Past events

    01/23/2025 ARCHIVE - Technology Basics for Those Who Have Always Been Curious
    01/23/2025 ARCHIVE - RSI Risk Analysis: Suggestions for Interpreters and Trainers
    10/12/2024 T&I Summit on the Diversity and Vitality of Spanish (VIRTUAL)
    09/28/2024 MATI 21st Annual Conference
    06/15/2024 Social gathering
    06/04/2024 La importancia del Lenguaje Inclusivo (The Importance of Inclusive Language)
    10/07/2023 How To Design Court Exam Practice Dialogues That Strengthen Your Weaknesses - 3 HOUR ONLINE WORKSHOP
    09/30/2023 MATI 20th Annual Conference (In Person)
    06/29/2023 MATI 2023 Webinar Series: 911 Telecommunication Interpreting
    09/24/2022 MATI 19th Annual Conference (In Person)
    04/06/2022 MATI 2022 Webinar Series: Race, Power and Privilege: Building Social Justice and Racial Equity in the Professions of Interpreting and Translation
    10/09/2021 MATI 18th Annual Conference (Virtual)
    08/17/2021 MATI 2021 Webinar Series: Drugs, Alcohol and Fentanyl: Interpreting for Chemical Dependency Patients (Part 2)
    07/20/2021 MATI 2021 Webinar Series: Drugs, Alcohol and Fentanyl: Interpreting for Chemical Dependency Patients (Part 1)
    07/10/2021 2021 MATI Annual Business Meeting
    06/24/2021 A Special Education Primer for Interpreters Working in Public Schools
    05/20/2021 National Study on Validation of a Monolingual Interpreter Performance Exam
    03/18/2021 Language Access Laws for Educators during the COVID-19 Crisis
    02/05/2021 RSI Risk Analysis: Suggestions for Interpreters and Trainers
    12/14/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Test Your English Fluency
    11/18/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - 'Reduced Nerve Conduction Velocity': Decoding Lead Exposure Language for Interpreters
    10/20/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - An Interpreter's Survival Guide: A Proactive Approach to Navigating Work as a Subcontractor
    09/26/2020 MATI 17th Annual Conference (Virtual)
    09/15/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Multiple Meanings and Misused Cognates: Pitfalls of Spanish Financial and Legal Translation
    08/20/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Los Marielitos: Interpreting the Voices of Cuban Refugees
    07/13/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Circumlocution in Educational Settings: Finding Meaning-for-Meaning Equivalents
    06/18/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Interpreting in the World of Dermatology
    05/12/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Interpreting Gear 101
    04/23/2020 MATI Special Event: How to be an interpreter or translator and not go broke
    04/16/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Translation Proofreading: The Importance of an Accurate Revision
    04/02/2020 MATI Special Event: How to survive COVID-19 and get ready for what’s next
    03/19/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Preparing for Psychoeducational and Speech Pathology Interpretation Assignments in the Educational Setting: What Medical Interpreters Need to Know
    02/19/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - The Study of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions: Another Tool for the Interpreter's Communicative Toolbox.
    01/23/2020 MATI 2020 Webinar Series - Technology Basics for Those Who Have Always Been Curious
    11/26/2019 Boswell Book Company Translation Night
    09/07/2019 MATI 16th Annual Conference
    05/13/2019 MATI 2019 Webinar Series - The Art of Interpreting for Medical Rounds
    04/12/2019 MATI 2019 Webinar Series - Tincho’s Top Ten Trados Studio Tips and Tricks
    03/07/2019 MATI 2019 Webinar Series - Unveiling PDF Proofs
    12/13/2018 CharisMATIc Evanston: Ask the Experts
    12/05/2018 MATI 2018 Webinar Series - American English Pronunciation/Listening
    11/06/2018 MATI 2018 Webinar Series - Copyediting and Proofreading as Part of the Translation Process
    09/29/2018 MATI 15th Annual Conference
    08/14/2018 MATI 2018 Webinar Series - Top Tips from My First Three Years as a Freelance Translator
    05/24/2018 MATI 2018 Webinar Series - VRI as a New Trend / On the Screen
    04/26/2018 MATI 2018 Webinar Series - Translator in Disguise: an Insider's Guide to Finding Trustworthy Translation Agencies
    04/03/2018 ARCHIVE - MATI 2018 Webinar Series - Transitioning from Translator to Interpreter: Everything You Need to Know about Healthcare Interpreting
    03/29/2018 MATI 2018 Webinar Series - Transitioning from Translator to Interpreter: Everything You Need to Know about Healthcare Interpreting
    03/01/2018 MATI 2018 Webinar Series - Is an Emoji Worth a 1,000 Words?
    01/01/2018 ARCHIVE - MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Video Game Localization: Taking it into the next level!
    01/01/2018 ARCHIVE - MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Formatting in Microsoft Word and Securing your CV
    01/01/2018 ARCHIVE - MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Specialization. The context unknown for translators in technical translations. Case study in the mining industry
    11/16/2017 MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Formatting in Microsoft Word and Securing your CV
    10/17/2017 MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Specialization. The context unknown for translators in technical translations. Case study in the mining industry
    09/23/2017 MATI 14th Annual Conference
    09/01/2017 CharisMATIc Evanston
    07/08/2017 2017 Annual Business Meeting
    06/15/2017 ARCHIVED - MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Interpreting Culture: The cultural work of professional medical interpreters
    06/13/2017 MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Interpreting Culture: The cultural work of professional medical interpreters
    04/28/2017 ARCHVIED - MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Resources to avoid syntax transference from English to Spanish
    04/26/2017 MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Resources to avoid syntax transference from English to Spanish
    04/05/2017 ARCHVIED - MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Bilingual Patient Navigation: The Next Step in Language Access
    03/30/2017 MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Bilingual Patient Navigation: The Next Step in Language Access
    03/18/2017 Spring 2017 Alverno Interpreter Institute Workshop
    03/11/2017 ARCHIVE - MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Alphabet Soup Unscrambled: A Layman's Guide to a Social Security Disability Hearing
    03/11/2017 ARCHIVE - MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Getting (and Staying!) on your PMs’ Favorites List
    03/11/2017 ARCHIVE - MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Bridging the Gap between the T&I Industry and Academia: Developing a Community of Practice
    03/11/2017 ARCHIVE - MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Literature for the Medical and Legal Language Professional: What Reading Gives You that a Dictionary Does Not
    03/11/2017 Equal Footing 60-Hour Interpreter Training
    02/22/2017 ARCHIVED - MATI 2016 Webinar Series: Interpreting in Educational Settings: A Growing Profession
    02/22/2017 ARCHIVED - MATI 2016 Webinar Series: Proofreading our Translations and Spanish US-isms
    02/22/2017 ARCHIVED - MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Hard Conversations with Health Care and Legal Professionals about Interpreting Protocol
    02/22/2017 ARCHIVED - MATI 2016 Webinar Series - From Scattered Documents to Valuable Translation Material: The Advantage of CAT Alignment Tools
    02/22/2017 ARCHIVED - MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Reel Fun: Improving your Subtitles
    02/16/2017 MATI 2017 Webinar Series - Getting (and Staying!) on your PMs’ Favorites List
    02/01/2017 Equal Footing 60-Hour Interpreter Training
    01/24/2017 Jumpstart for 2017 - Practice Test - SILVER package
    01/24/2017 Jumpstart for 2017 - Practice Test - GOLD package
    01/05/2017 Equal Footing 60-Hour Interpreter Training
    01/01/2017 Jumpstart for 2017 - Practice Test - PLATINUM package
    11/05/2016 Equal Footing for LEP Persons
    10/22/2016 MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Bridging the Gap between the T&I Industry and Academia: Developing a Community of Practice
    09/27/2016 Jumpstart for 2017 - Series 2 - Sessions 1 - 4
    09/17/2016 MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Literature for the Medical and Legal Language Professional: What Reading Gives You that a Dictionary Does Not
    09/13/2016 Jumpstart for 2017 - Session 3: Interpreting Skills for the Oral FCICE: Consecutive (English < > Spanish)
    09/10/2016 MATI 13th Annual Conference
    09/09/2016 ATA Certification Exam: Chicago
    08/06/2016 MATI Annual Business Meeting
    07/23/2016 ATA Certification Exam: Indianapolis
    07/05/2016 Jumpstart for 2017 Bonus webinar! - Preparing for the Written Portion of the Federal Court Interpreter Certification Exam (Spanish)
    07/01/2016 Webinar Recording: Speech Pathology and Medical Interpretation
    06/29/2016 Jumpstart for 2017 - Session 2: Interpreting Skills for the Oral FCICE: Sight Translation (English to Spanish)
    06/22/2016 MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Alphabet Soup Unscrambled: A Layman's Guide to a Social Security Disability Hearing
    05/26/2016 IITA webinar Depositions Made Easy (presented in Spanish)
    05/20/2016 MATI 2016 Webinar Series - From Scattered Documents to Valuable Translation Material: The Advantage of CAT Alignment Tools
    05/04/2016 MATI MKE Happy Hour
    04/21/2016 Madison Translator / Interpreter Gathering and Open Mic
    04/20/2016 MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Hard Conversations with Health Care and Legal Professionals about Interpreting Protocol
    04/16/2016 Ramp Up the Conversation Interpreter Conference
    03/19/2016 MATI 2016 Webinar Series - Reel Fun: Improving your Subtitles
    03/15/2016 Jumpstart for 2017 - Bonus Session: Preparing for the Written Portion of the FCICE (Spanish)
    02/19/2016 MATI 2016 Webinar Series: Proofreading our Translations and Spanish US-isms
    01/26/2016 Jumpstart for 2017 - Session 1: Vocabulary
    01/21/2016 MATI 2016 Webinar Series: Interpreting in Educational Settings: A Growing Profession
    11/17/2015 IITA webinar: How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator: Q&A with Corinne McKay
    11/02/2015 Guest Speaker: Peter Argondizzo at UW–Milwaukee
    10/30/2015 AOIC Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing
    10/23/2015 Intensive note-taking & VCOPs workshop for medical interpreters
    09/26/2015 MATI 12th Annual Conference
    09/19/2015 CHICATA Interpreters Institute 2015
    09/18/2015 ATA Exam Sitting – Chicago
    09/18/2015 AOIC Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing
    08/22/2015 AOIC Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing
    07/31/2015 AOIC Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing
    07/25/2015 MATI Annual Business Meeting
    07/24/2015 AOIC Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing
    07/17/2015 AOIC Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing
    06/16/2015 MATI 2015 Webinar Series - From Tummy Time to Tethered Cords: Terminology in Developmental Pediatrics
    06/13/2015 FCICE Oral Exam Prep workshop
    06/06/2015 Professional Interpreter Basic Training Summer Course
    06/05/2015 NCIHC Annual Membership Meeting
    05/18/2015 MATI 2015 Webinar Series - Finding the Right Balance between Theory and Practice in Legal Translation
    05/15/2015 AOIC Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing
    04/23/2015 MATI 2015 Webinar Series - Immigration
    04/18/2015 2nd Annual Interpreter and ISP Conference: Ramp Up the Conversation
    04/18/2015 AOIC Court Interpreter Orientation and Testing
    04/11/2015 UMTIA ATA Exam Preparation Workshop
    03/28/2015 Alverno Interpreter Institute Workshop - Spring 2015
    03/18/2015 MATI 2015 Webinar Series - Criminal Terminology
    02/18/2015 MATI 2015 Webinar Series - The Joys and Challenges of Spanglish
    02/02/2015 Madison Area Interpreters & Translators Get-together: Focus on Interpreting
    01/29/2015 Translators and Translations Open Mic
    01/22/2015 Imaginationary
    01/21/2015 MATI 2015 Webinar Series - "Anatomy" of a Business Transaction
    12/13/2014 Court Interpreter Orientation - Admin Office of the IL Court
    12/11/2014 Court Interpreter Orientation - Admin Office of the IL Court
    12/09/2014 Translation-focused meet-up, Madison area translators & interpreters
    12/06/2014 CHICATA International Holiday Party & Talent Show
    11/12/2014 ALTA Conference 2014: Politics and Translation
    11/08/2014 ATA Exam Sitting: Chicago, IL
    11/05/2014 ATA 55th Annual Conference
    11/05/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Oral Exam
    11/01/2014 Court Interpreter Orientation - Admin Office of the IL Court
    10/23/2014 Court Interpreter Orientation - Admin Office of the IL Court
    10/10/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Written Exam
    10/04/2014 ATA Exam Sitting: Indianapolis, IN
    10/01/2014 Madison Area Interpreters & Translators Get-together: Focus on Interpreting
    09/30/2014 ProZ 2014 Virtual Event
    09/29/2014 ProZ 2014 Virtual Event
    09/20/2014 MATI Annual Conference
    09/19/2014 ATA Exam Sitting: Madison, WI
    09/13/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Orientation
    09/10/2014 Madison Area Interpreters & Translators Get-together: Focus on Translation
    08/26/2014 Madison Area Interpreters & Translators Get-together: Focus on Interpreting
    08/25/2014 Applications being accepted for Univ. of Illinois MA Program in Translation and Interpreting
    08/21/2014 Translators and Translations Open Mic
    08/18/2014 Alverno Interpreter Institute: The Interpreter Roundup
    07/21/2014 Madison Area Interpreters & Translators Get-together: Focus on Interpreting
    07/19/2014 MATI Annual Business Meeting
    07/14/2014 Alverno Interpreter Institute: The Interpreter Roundup
    06/24/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Oral Exam
    06/21/2014 English Medical Terminology Boot-Camp 2
    06/20/2014 English Medical Terminology Boot-Camp 1
    06/16/2014 Alverno Interpreter Institute: The Interpreter Roundup
    06/14/2014 Spanish Medical Terminology Boot-Camp 2
    06/13/2014 Spanish Medical Terminology Boot-Camp 1
    06/13/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Written Exam
    06/06/2014 NCIHC 8th Annual Membership Meeting
    06/05/2014 Spanish-English Public International Law Terminology Webinar by Suzanne E Deliscar
    06/05/2014 French-English Public International Law Terminology Webinar by Suzanne E Deliscar
    05/29/2014 Spanish-English Copyright Law Terminology Webinar by Suzanne E Deliscar
    05/29/2014 French-English Copyright Law Terminology Webinar by Suzanne E Deliscar
    05/22/2014 Spanish-English Real Estate Terminology Webinar by Suzanne E Deliscar
    05/22/2014 French-English Real Estate Terminology Webinar by Suzanne E Deliscar
    05/20/2014 Pharmacology Primer for Interpreters
    05/17/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Orientation
    05/13/2014 Pharmacology Primer for Interpreters
    05/06/2014 Pharmacology Primer for Interpreters
    05/06/2014 UC San Diego Extension: Introduction to Interpretation
    05/03/2014 CHICATA Annual Conference
    04/29/2014 Pharmacology Primer for Interpreters
    04/26/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    04/26/2014 Interpreters Matter: Best Practices to Care for Their Wellness
    04/24/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    04/24/2014 MATI Brown Bag Webinar Series presents Interpreting: A Lifelong Learning Experience
    04/22/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    04/19/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    04/17/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    04/15/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    04/12/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    04/11/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Written Exam
    04/10/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    04/08/2014 40-hr MetaPhrasis Legal Interpreter Training
    03/28/2014 2014 MICATA Symposium
    03/22/2014 Palliative and Spiritual Care
    03/20/2014 Time Management for Freelancers: How to Get Things Done!
    03/14/2014 Medical Interpreter Brown Bag Webinar Series - "Do nothing" to "Do no harm": Collaborative Values in Medical Interpreting
    03/07/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Orientation
    02/27/2014 Navigating the Ethics Terrain
    02/25/2014 WI State Court Interpreter Certification Program Oral Exam
    02/21/2014 Medical Interpreter Brown Bag Webinar Series: Interpreting for Medically Fragile Children
    02/12/2014 Monthly gathering of Madison Area Interpreters and Translators
    01/28/2014 ATA Webinar Series: Technical Writing for ‘into English’ Translators
    01/24/2014 Medical Interpreter Brown Bag Webinar Series: Speech Pathology and Medical Interpretation
    01/22/2014 ATA Webinar Series: How to Write a Winning ATA Conference Proposal
    01/22/2014 AOIC regional meeting on language access in circuit courts (Mt. Vernon)
    01/17/2014 MATI Holiday Party: Indiana
    01/16/2014 2014 IMIA Conference: Medical Interpreter Education: The Gateway to the Future!
    01/15/2014 AOIC regional meeting on language access in circuit courts (Chicago)
    01/14/2014 AOIC regional meeting on language access in circuit courts (DeKalb/Sycamore)
    01/10/2014 AOIC regional meeting on language access in circuit courts (Champaign)
    01/09/2014 AOIC regional meeting on language access in circuit courts (Springfield)
    01/08/2014 AOIC regional meeting on language access in circuit courts (Peoria)
    01/04/2014 MATI Holiday Party: Wisconsin
    12/14/2013 National Board Informational Webinar on Certification
    12/12/2013 Madison Area Interpreters and Translators meet to talk about translation topics.
    11/22/2013 National Board Informational Webinar on Certification
    11/20/2013 ProZ presents... The Translation Work Flow: How Does it work?
    11/12/2013 Monthly gathering of Madison Area Interpreters and Translators
    11/06/2013 American Translators Association 54th Annual Conference
    10/31/2013 National Board Informational Webinar on Certification
    10/24/2013 Flow: Key Skills of Effective Interpreters
    09/25/2013 National Board Informational Webinar on Certification
    09/21/2013 10th Annual MATI Conference
    09/20/2013 ATA Exam Sitting
    09/18/2013 Translating Contracts to and from French
    08/27/2013 National Board Informational Webinar on Certification
    08/22/2013 Webinar: Comparative Analysis of Legal Systems in French-, English-, and Spanish-Speaking Countries
    08/16/2013 Finding the Parallels: Interpreting in Medical and Judicial Settings
    08/15/2013 Webinar: Translating for the Pharmaceutical Industry: Resources & Translation Strategies for New Translators
    08/02/2013 ProZ Webinar: Advanced Internet Search Techniques for Medical Translators
    07/29/2013 National Board Informational Webinar on Certification
    07/25/2013 Webinar: The Use of Customized Corpora to Improve Translation Accuracy
    07/25/2013 University of Maryland Summer Workshop: Technology Solutions for the Professional Translator
    07/15/2013 CHI testing in Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic
    07/13/2013 MATI Annual General Meeting
    07/12/2013 University of Maryland Summer Workshop: Conference Terminology and Procedures
    06/29/2013 National Board Informational Webinar on Certification
    06/28/2013 ProZ Webinar: Clinical Trials & Medical Documentation: Resources & Translation Strategies
    06/21/2013 CCHI's Continuing Education Accreditation Program for Trainers
    06/18/2013 Webinar: "Smoking Guns": Looking for Evidence & Overcoming Hurdles in Legal Document Review and Translation
    06/17/2013 Critical Link 7 – Global Awakening: Leading Practices in Interpreting
    06/14/2013 InterpretAmerica 4th North American Summit
    06/07/2013 NCIHC 7th Annual Membership Meeting
    06/03/2013 Healing Voices
    05/31/2013 National Board Informational Webinar on Certification
    05/23/2013 Webinar: Patient Navigation for Medical Interpreters
    05/17/2013 National Association of Judiciary Interpreters & Translators 34th Annual Conference
    05/16/2013 Copyright and Translation: What Every Translator Needs to Know; Presented by Suzanne Deliscar
    05/08/2013 Mental Health Mini-Series
    05/08/2013 Medical Library Workshop
    05/04/2013 CHICATA's Twenty-Fourth Chicago Conference on Translation and Interpretation
    04/29/2013 MATI 2013 elections: voting deadline is May 15, 2013
    04/20/2013 Alverno Interpreter Institute: Mental Health Interpreting Workshop
    04/20/2013 Alverno Interpreter Institute | Workshop
    04/17/2013 Mental Health Mini-Series
    04/10/2013 Keeping it Legal: Affordable Care Act
    04/10/2013 Spanish-English Legal Terminology Workshop
    04/06/2013 FCICE Oral Test Prep Workshop
    03/27/2013 Mental Health Mini-Series
    03/25/2013 Registration Opens for Federal Court Interpreter Oral Certification Exam
    03/22/2013 IMIA Webinars for Medical Interpreters: Cultural Influences in Organ Donation
    03/20/2013 ATA Webinar Series: CAT Tools: Friend or Foe—The Business Aspects of Owning a CAT Tool
    03/09/2013 UMTIA-sponsored Note-taking Workshop for Dialogue Interpreters
    02/21/2013 Understanding the Current Immigration Climate


    We post event updates and webinar announcements on Facebook. Add us to your social networks and be part of our ever-growing community.

    Midwest Association of Translators & Interpreters
    8 W. Lake Street
    Addison, IL 60101

    American Translators Association
    211 N. Union Street, Suite 100
    Alexandria, VA 22314

    phone: 703.683.6100
    fax: 703.683.6122
    (Office hours 9a–5p ET)

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