The Art of Interpreting for Medical Rounds
This webinar is meant for interpreters with or without prior experience interpreting during hospital rounds (either in person or remotely). The presentation particularly focuses on helping medical interpreters to improve particular skills required to provide effective language access support during medical rounds. The participant will learn the critical importance of maintaining transparency, knowing how to use simultaneous interpreting mode, all while understanding the importance of mastering terminology including particular acronyms commonly used during rounds by medical providers.
Program goal(s) and learning objectives:
a. The participant will become familiar with common protocols found during medical rounds in the inpatient setting.
b. The participant will be exposed to specific medical terminology relevant to interpreters supporting patients during medical rounds.
d. The participant will be reminded of the importance of continued memory skills development in the field.
e. The participant will acquire different techniques that can be implemented to improve the dynamic of working with a provider during medical rounds.
f. The participant will learn to decide on the most effective mode of interpretation during medical rounds.
g. The participant will learn about particular safety protocols that need to be taken into account when providing services in rounds.
Presenters: Aida Cassino Elsen and Cristina Mella:
Originally from Santiago, Chile, Maria Cristina Mella obtained a degree in Administration with a minor in Editing. She became a professional interpreter and has worked as a member of the Language Access Services team at Cincinnati Children’s for the past 9 years. Mrs. Mella was one of the first interpreters in Ohio to become a Certified Healthcare Interpreter through the Commission of Certification for Healthcare Interpreters. As a professional medical interpreter, she has ample experience providing interpreting support in outpatient and inpatient settings, not only as a face to face interpreter but also as a remote interpreter for the Health Care Interpreting Network. On a personal level, Mrs. Mella enjoys speed walking and fine dining. She also loves the company of friends and family that understand her unique sense of humor.
Originally from Panama City, Panama, Mrs. Aida Cassino Elsen holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from the University of Panama where she worked as a Public Relations agent for Governmental offices and private companies. After relocating to Cincinnati OH in 1998, she began her work in the Language Access industry as an independent contractor interpreter. Ever since 2014, Mrs. Couch has been one of three Lead Medical Interpreters at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where she started working in 2005. Proudly one of the first Certified Interpreters in Ohio through the Commission of Certification for Healthcare Interpreters, Mrs. Couch has been an instrumental contributor to the creation and implementation of Cincinnati Children’s quality control initiative for contracted interpreting services, a program with the primary objective of optimizing the resources provided by local language service providers and documenting the quality of services received. Mrs. Couch enjoys the outdoors and loves spending time with her beautiful two teenage daughters or teaching Zumba Fitness.