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UMTIA ATA Exam Preparation Workshop

  • 04/11/2015
  • 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • AbraPalabra, at 1516 East Lake Street, suite 203 (2nd floor), Minneapolis, MN 55407

The UMTIA presents an...

ATA Exam Preparation Workshop

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: Translators who work in any of the ATA-certified language pairs and are eligible to take the exam in the following language pairs  ENG>SPA, SPA>ENG and RUS>ENG (visit for current eligibility requirements) 

DATE AND TIME: April 11th, 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm

REGISTER SOON – Deadline for registration is March 30th! 

After you register, you will receive a practice test and further instructions. Visit UMTIA’s website at

COST: $120 (includes graded ATA practice test and workshop)


• Larry Bogoslaw (ATA-Certified, Russian-English, Spanish-English)

• Claudia Giannini (ATA-Certified, English-Spanish)

WHERE: AbraPalabra, at 1516 East Lake Street, suite 203 (2nd floor), Minneapolis, MN 55407. Located in Plaza Verde Building at the intersection of East Lake Street and Bloomington. Parking behind Heart of the Beast. The entrance to the parking lot is on 15th Ave. S (not from Bloomington). There is also free parking on the streets (Parking meters are M-F)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PARTICIPANTS: Participants will receive an ATA Practice Exam of approximately 250 words (cost of the exam included in the cost of registration for the workshop) after registering. The participants must then translate it and return it to UMTIA. The presenters will correct the translation per ATA standards. At the workshop, translation challenges will be analyzed, and possible solutions discussed. The presenters will also explain how exams are graded and present “coaching strategies” on ways to prepare in advance, what to bring with you, and how to manage your time during the exam.

NOTE: A minimum of 8 participants must register in order for the workshop to be held. There will be an exam sitting in the Twin Cities on Saturday, May 9th.

For more information about the exam, check the ATA website,

Attendance at this event presumes acceptance of the use of photographs of the event for UMTIA promotional material

To register online, go to ATA Exam Preparation Workshop.

Best regards,

Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association

Disclaimers: UMTIA reserves the right to cancel events due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have not pre-paid, your seat is not guaranteed.  If you are pre-registered and pre-paid, but cannot attend, please contact the BEFORE the event.


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Midwest Association of Translators & Interpreters
8 W. Lake Street
Addison, IL 60101

American Translators Association
211 N. Union Street, Suite 100
Alexandria, VA 22314

phone: 703.683.6100
fax: 703.683.6122
(Office hours 9a–5p ET)

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