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ARCHIVE - Technology Basics for Those Who Have Always Been Curious

  • 01/23/2025
  • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • On Demand


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When it comes to technology, we are almost always quick to adopt but slow to adapt. This tendency to gravitate to the newest thing can expose us and make us vulnerable. If we do adapt to technology, we often find ourselves doing things out of habit because someone told us to, not because we know why.

In the first half of this webinar, we will go over the basics of data storage, why large name cloud server providers might not be your best option for storing your data, the difference between a bit and a byte, and best practices for storing your own data including hosting your own cloud server.

In the second half of the webinar, we will discuss encryption, hacking and password best practices

Learn how information is encrypted, learn how encrypted information is decrypted, hacked, and how to select a truly secure password. Also learn what the most common passwords are and how to avoid them.

Presenter:  Joseph Wojowski

Joseph Wojowski is the administrator of the ATA Language Technology Division. He is the former vice president of MATI, and former assistant administrator of the language technology and Korean language divisions. He has twelve years of experience as a translator as well as seven years as a project manager. Joseph is a MemoQ Trainer having given trainings for private corporations as well as professional organizations, and has proficiency in other popular CAT tools. His professional writings address issues of Internet Security and Technology as they relate to the translation Industry.


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Midwest Association of Translators & Interpreters
8 W. Lake Street
Addison, IL 60101

American Translators Association
211 N. Union Street, Suite 100
Alexandria, VA 22314

phone: 703.683.6100
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