Dear MATI Members:
I, Diane Grosklaus-Whitty (Wisconsin), have been chosen to be the Supervisor of
Elections with the Nominations Committee to search for candidates for MATI office.
The other members of the Nominating Committee for 2013 are Carlota Hursey
(Indiana) and Alaina Sylla (Wisconsin).
At this time, we are accepting nominations for the offices of Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer and four (4) Board Members. The Secretary is for a one-year
term of office, and all other positions are for a two-year term of office on the board.
Below is a description of the duties for each of these positions.
According to MATI bylaws,
Vice-President. The Vice President shall assist the President and perform his or her
duties in the event of the President’s absence, incapacity or removal. The Vice
President shall also be an ex-officio member of all committees except the
nominating committee.
Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the
meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, and the monthly
general meetings, for disseminating the minutes and keeping all records pertaining
to all meetings, regular and emergency, and shall be in charge of correspondence
and announcements of meetings of the Association.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and collect all monies of the Association and
give official receipts, keep records of all money transactions, and deposit all funds
in a bank as designated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall have the
right with the President to sign checks and other withdrawal documents that
pertain to the use of the funds of the Association. The Treasurer shall be responsible
for writing an annual financial report that will be disseminated to the members of
the Association through electronic correspondence, surface mail, or Association
Board Member. As a tri-state organization, the MATI Nominations Committee has
the additional task of seeking candidates that reflect our geographical distribution
too. We hope our members will give serious consideration to running or nominate
other members they think have a lot to contribute. The terms for the elected
officers will run from our Annual General Membership Meeting in June until
June 2014 or 2015.
The deadline for submission of candidate names is APRIL 15, and ballots with a
complete list of candidates will be sent to MATI members with voting instructions
on or around MAY 1. All candidates must submit information about which position
you are running for as well as a maximum 300 word statement of why you want to
run for this position. Candidates may be nominated or self-nominate.
Announcement of the elected board members will be made in time for the new
board members to observe the June 2013 Annual Membership Meeting. Those
who have been elected to a position on the MATI board will be expected to attend
the June Annual Business Meeting in Chicago from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. when
installation of board members takes place. The Annual Business Meeting is
followed immediately by a four-hour yearly Board Retreat.
Please send nominations to MATI at or to the
Communications Committee at no later than
5:00 p.m. CST on APRIL 15.
The Nominating Committee 2013