Welcome to the first edition of Member Spotlight! This monthly feature will highlight one of MATI’s wonderful translators or interpreters. We look forward to learning about YOU!! For the first edition, MATI President Christina Green has kindly agreed to answer a few questions. Green has been the president of MATI since June of 2012, and she is the director of Green Linguistics. She has a degree in Modern Languages from the Universidad Central de Venezuela and works between English and Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese. Green has been a member of MATI since it was founded in 2004.
How did you get started in the field of translation and/or interpretation?

I spoke French at home with my mother, and Italian with my father, and we lived in Venezuela, so languages were a common thing for me. I was torn between going to Law School and studying languages, and I finally chose languages, thinking that it was a degree I could use anywhere in the world if I ever decided to leave my country.
What is your favorite thing about working in this field?
I feel that I am a very lucky person, for I do something that I absolutely love! When translating, I learn a lot of new things. I like researching and I am very organized, so the translations are fun projects for me. When interpreting, I love interacting with others, and I feel I take with me valuable lessons, regardless of the setting. Working with languages is almost like reading a new chapter of a book every day. Above all, I love the satisfaction of delivering a quality product or providing a good service.
What program/tool/dictionary couldn’t you live without?
That question would have been so different 5 years ago! I use to have square miles of dictionaries, and now they are all condensed into the Web. Some of my favorites include the ones from the Real Academia, the Collins, the MedlinePlus Encyclopedia and the Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique. I also use translators forums at Word Reference and ProZ to cross check some terms or get other people's input.
Why do you think it’s important to belong to professional organizations like MATI?
The value of exchanging ideas with other people is incredible. I have met amazing professionals through my participation in MATI and the ATA, who have become my friends. Belonging to an organization like this is a great way of networking and expanding in our line of work. It also allows us to keep current on the trends in the industry. I always learn from my colleagues.
What do you do in your free time?
Given that as a translator I never know how much free time I will get, I treasure every moment I have away from a computer with my family. I also do ballroom dancing and try to do a couple of triathlon every year since 2008. I love traveling as well, and I am often able to combine my trips for interpreting with some pleasure.
Thank you to Christina for taking the time to answer these questions and for being an AWESOME president!! Would you like to recommend someone to be featured in the MATI Member Spotlight? Send submissions to MATIemail@gmail.com!