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MATI Board Organizes for 2017

05/04/2017 9:43 PM | Anonymous

MATI Board Organizes for 2017

By Kristy Brown Lust, MATI Director


On February 25, the MATI board of directors met in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. This half-day retreat gave us an opportunity to collaborate in person on a wide-ranging agenda of event planning and decision making. Here are the results: 

  • We identified all open positions for the upcoming elections and appointed a nominating committee.
  • We set dates for nominations and board electionsnominate by April 28 and vote on or around May 15.  
  • New board members will be installed at the July 8 business meeting. 
  • We created the framework for the 2017 conference on September 23 at Monona Terrace in Madison, WI. 
    • It was decided to put out a call for speaker proposals.  
    • Honorariums were set for presenters. 
  • We solidified plans to host an ATA certification exam sitting on September 22 
  • We decided to host quarterly charisMATIc social hours in local MATI cities: Indianapolis, Chicago, Milwaukee and Madison.  
    • Events are networking opportunities and a way for members to meet directors as well as share feedback on how to improve the organization. 
  • We discussed potential webinar topics and presenters.  
    • If you have any idea of topics you would like to see covered, please contact us at 
  • We appointed directors to the membership, communications, programs and webinar committees. 


Check out the Get Involved article for ways to engage with the board of directors and MATI in general. We look forward to meeting many of you at upcoming MATI social hours and the conference in September. If you have a question or concern you would like to share with the board, please email us at 

photo of MATI board of directors 

From left to right: Kate Jankowski, Thaís Passos, Marina Ilari, Joseph Wojowski, Kristy Brown Lust, Meghan McCallum, Ghada Shakir, Amy Polenske. Not pictured: Tyann Zehms


We post event updates and webinar announcements on Facebook. Add us to your social networks and be part of our ever-growing community.

Midwest Association of Translators & Interpreters
8 W. Lake Street
Addison, IL 60101

American Translators Association
211 N. Union Street, Suite 100
Alexandria, VA 22314

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